On the Timelessness of “The Power of 10”
Often attributed to NASA (though space nerds like me will be quick to point out that JPL and NASA are intertwined but not the same), The Power of 10: Rules f...
Often attributed to NASA (though space nerds like me will be quick to point out that JPL and NASA are intertwined but not the same), The Power of 10: Rules f...
In a recent episode of the programmier.bar podcast, I banged the drum for the upcoming (and since released) documentary on Node.js by the wonderful people ov...
If you follow me on LinkedIn you might have seen that, recently I started posting video excerpts from our programmier.bar podcast to give people a better und...
This year definitely had some firsts for me. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward…” Steve Jobs
Recently, an old friend asked me to assess a company for a potential investment on their part. The details of the (potential) investment and the actual com...
This week, we recorded the annual year-in-review episode of the programmier.bar podcast. Of course, much of what we discussed had to do with AI and its impac...
Last week we had our final meetup of the year at the programmier.bar. And while there is much to write about how we went about organizing the event, engaging...
In a previous blogpost, I highlighted the fascinating documentaries produced by Honeypot Cult, particularly their high-value offerings under the Originals br...
Alright, fellow coders, let’s face it - in the ever-evolving world of tech, we can’t afford to sit still. Continuous learning is not just a good idea; it’s p...
Podcasts are great! They are like talk radio, but available on demand when you need them. And the plethora of content and different formates covers every nic...
Wikipedia defines “defensive programming” as
Recently, as Hasan Minhaj was guest-hosting the Daily Show, he had Kevin O’Leary on as a guest to (very critically) dicuss FTX, crypto and gener...
📽 I really love these “Documentaries for Developers” productions from Honeypot.io
2012 was a great year. It was the year I got married in beautiful animal sanctuary in Kenia, prepared for the last chapter of college life, got to spent spri...
Tonight I gave my first community talk ever at the Symfony User Group Rhein/Main. Now, how did that happen ?
Over a year ago, a friend of mine gifted me a one year subscription to Spotify, after I helped him out with a small web app project. So for the next 12 month...
Every now and then Amazon.com releases a few pilot episodes of various genres. The viewership then gets to decide which of the few episodes will continue as ...
Just a few days ago I published my first Swift code. If only to be polite I felt it was necessary to thank the people involved in the announcement blog post....
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. - Isaac Newton
For a long time now, I dreamed of having my own iPhone app. I have had many ideas - maybe too many - but none ever made it past a few sketches or a very basi...