Blame it on Ray!
Just a few days ago I published my first Swift code. If only to be polite I felt it was necessary to thank the people involved in the announcement blog post. Among them was Ray Wenderlich from whose podcasts and website I have learned quite a lot about Swift and Cocoa Frameworks. He was kind enough to gave my repository a shoutout on twitter, which frankly skyrocketed twitter account and blog. Which made my phone vibrate constantly while I was busy going to the movies.
I got visitors from all across the globe:
Most of the visitors came from the US, with China coming in second, closely followed by the UK and Germany only coming in on the fourth place
My github repository also exploded. The SwiftColorArt project got starred just under 150 times ! Not to speak of the many forks and people following the project. Of course these five minutes of fame put quite some pressure on me. But really that is all I could have been hoping for.
In the time since the announcement post I have already updated the project a few times. I extended the example data and included another big feature that I wanted since I started working: Border recognition.
From now on you can controll which part of an image’s border should be used to determine the background color !
I am looking forward to integrating the repository with CocoaPods soon !
PS: I know it is kind of hard to follow this blog in moment, as it lacks RSS support. This is the next item on my todo list !